Welcome to the Highland Griffith Chamber of Commerce!
Join the Chamber today for networking and professional development opportunities, as well as great ways to promote your business.
The mission of the Highland Griffith Chamber of Commerce is serving, representing, and enhancing local business growth success, and relationships in our community.
Welcome to the HighlandGriffith Chamber of Commerce
Browse around to see our Membership Directory, Chamber committees, upcoming Chamber and Member events, and the benefits of investing in our Chamber. Online, you can join the Chamber register and pay for events, and see helpful business and community resources. Please visit frequently to keep up with the chamber information and news.
Send us an email at info@hgchamber.org to give feedback!
Upcoming Events
We have some great Community and Networking Events coming up this year! Check out our calendar for upcoming events.
The Highland Griffith Chamber has regular membership lunch meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at Noon (Networking at 11:30) at member restaurants on a rotation schedule.
Meeting Date: Second Tuesday of every month
Cost: $30 per person. $5 discount if you RSVP in advance
RSVP and pay online through our Chamber Event calendar.

We Are Your Voice!
Joining the Chamber offers many advantages such as networking with members at Membership and Committee meetings, Coffee Hours, promotional events, and ribbon cuttings.
We will refer your business to people in the community, other businesses, and anyone who calls the Chamber. Our Chamber will also advocate for you through social media, and multiple, monthly email blasts. To see all the perks, please visit the Member’s Benefits page.